Line No. | Rev | Author | Line |
1 | 3 | kaklik | ' makro zjistujici delku jednolivych netu a pocet prokovu na netu v celem designu, |
2 | ' lze vyexportovat do excelu a vybrat prislusny net v designu |
3 | |||
4 | Option Explicit |
5 | |||
6 | ' definice konstant potrebnych pro zmenu fontu |
7 | Const LOGPIXELSY = 90 |
8 | Const WM_SETFONT = &H30 |
9 | |||
10 | ' deklarace funkci potrebnych pro zmenu fontu |
11 | Declare Function CreateFontA Lib "gdi32" ( _ |
12 | ByVal nHeight As Long, _ |
13 | ByVal nWidth As Long, _ |
14 | ByVal nEscapement As Long, _ |
15 | ByVal nOrientation As Long, _ |
16 | ByVal fnWeight As Long, _ |
17 | ByVal fdwItalic As Long, _ |
18 | ByVal fdwUnderline As Long, _ |
19 | ByVal fdwStrikeOut As Long, _ |
20 | ByVal fdwCharSet As Long, _ |
21 | ByVal fdwOutputPrecision As Long, _ |
22 | ByVal fdwClipPrecision As Long, _ |
23 | ByVal fdwQuality As Long, _ |
24 | ByVal fdwPitchAndFamily As Long, _ |
25 | ByVal lpszFace As String _ |
26 | ) As Long |
27 | |||
28 | Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "gdi32" ( _ |
29 | ByVal hObject As Long _ |
30 | ) As Long |
31 | |||
32 | Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" ( _ |
33 | ByVal hDC As Long, _ |
34 | ByVal nIndex As Long _ |
35 | ) As Long |
36 | |||
37 | Declare Function GetDlgItem Lib "user32" ( _ |
38 | ByVal hDlg As Long, _ |
39 | ByVal nIDDlgItem As Long _ |
40 | ) As Long |
41 | |||
42 | Declare Function GetWindowDC Lib "user32" ( _ |
43 | ByVal hWnd As Long _ |
44 | ) As Long |
45 | |||
46 | Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32" ( _ |
47 | ByVal hWnd As Long, _ |
48 | ByVal hDC As Long _ |
49 | ) As Long |
50 | |||
51 | Declare Function SendMessageA Lib "user32" ( _ |
52 | ByVal hWnd As Long, _ |
53 | ByVal uMsg As Long, _ |
54 | ByVal wParam As Long, _ |
55 | ByVal lParam As Long _ |
56 | ) As Long |
57 | |||
58 | 'deklarace promennych |
59 | Dim hFont As Long ' pro zmenu fontu |
60 | Dim SelNet As Boolean ' true = budeme vybirat nety v designu |
61 | Dim Sort As String ' urcuje, podle ceho se bude tridit |
62 | |||
63 | |||
64 | Sub Main |
65 | 'alokace pole pro vlastnosti netu (dynamicke pole) |
66 | ReDim ListNetsName$(ActiveDocument.Nets.Count) ' pole pro jmeno netu |
67 | ReDim ListNetsLength(ActiveDocument.Nets.Count) ' pole pro delku netu |
68 | ReDim ListNetsVias(ActiveDocument.Nets.Count) ' pole pro pocet via na netu |
69 | ReDim ListNets$(ActiveDocument.Nets.Count) ' stringove pole vsech vlastnosti dohromady v poradi jmeno, delka, pocet via |
70 | |||
71 | FillArray |
72 | InfosToStringArray |
73 | |||
74 | 'zmena fontu na Courier (fixfont) |
75 | Dim hDC As Long |
76 | hDC = GetWindowDC(0) |
77 | Dim Height As Long |
78 | Height = 36*GetDeviceCaps(hDC,LOGPIXELSY)/250 |
79 | ReleaseDC 0,hDC |
80 | hFont = CreateFontA(Height,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Courier") |
81 | |||
82 | Begin Dialog UserDialog 500,210,"Length And vias",.CallbackFunc ' %GRID:10,7,1,1 |
83 | CheckBox 350,147,100,14,"Select net",.Check |
84 | CancelButton 30,154,110,21 |
85 | ListBox 20,21,450,112,ListNets(),.ListBox |
86 | |||
87 | Text 20,7,90,14,"Name:",.Text1 |
88 | Text 170,7,90,14,"Length:",.Text2 |
89 | Text 300,7,90,14,"Vias:",.Text3 |
90 | |||
91 | PushButton 30,182,110,21,"To Excel",.PushButton1 |
92 | PushButton 190,182,110,21,"Refresh",.Refresh |
93 | |||
94 | End Dialog |
95 | |||
96 | Dim dlg As UserDialog |
97 | |||
98 | SelNet=True |
99 | dlg.Check=1 'prepinac nastav na select |
100 | Dialog dlg |
101 | |||
102 | ' po ukonceni programu smaz zmeneny font |
103 | DeleteObject hFont |
104 | End Sub |
105 | |||
106 | Sub FillArray |
107 | 'nacteni informaci o netech do info poli |
108 | Dim i As Integer |
109 | i = 0 |
110 | Dim NextNet As Object |
111 | For Each NextNet In ActiveDocument.Nets |
112 | ListNetsName(i)=NextNet.Name |
113 | ListNetsLength(i)=NextNet.Length(True) |
114 | ListNetsVias(i)=NextNet.Vias.Count |
115 | i=i+1 |
116 | Next NextNet |
117 | End Sub |
118 | |||
119 | Sub InfosToStringArray |
120 | ' slozi informacni pole do jednoho stringoveho pole |
121 | Dim i As Integer |
122 | For i=0 To ActiveDocument.Nets.Count-1 |
123 | ListNets$(i)=AddSpace(ListNetsName(i))+AddSpace(Str(Int(ListNetsLength(i))))+ListNetsVias(i) |
124 | Next |
125 | End Sub |
126 | 'doplni string mezerami na 15 znaku |
127 | Function AddSpace$(data$) |
128 | Dim NumSpace As Integer |
129 | NumSpace=15 - Len(data$) |
130 | AddSpace=data+Space$(NumSpace) |
131 | End Function |
132 | 'vyjme z prvnich 15 znaku stringu pocatecni zaznam |
133 | Function SepareNameNet$(data$) |
134 | Dim Pom2 As String |
135 | Dim i As Integer |
136 | SepareNameNet$="" |
137 | Pom2$=Left(data$,15) |
138 | For i=1 To 15 |
139 | If Mid$(Pom2$,i,1)<>" " Then |
140 | SepareNameNet$=SepareNameNet$+Mid$(Pom2$,i,1) |
141 | End If |
142 | Next i |
143 | End Function |
144 | ' vlastni funkce dialogu |
145 | Function CallbackFunc%(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue%) |
146 | Dim Pom As Variant |
147 | Select Case Action% |
148 | |||
149 | Case 1 ' zde probiha inicializace dialog boxu |
150 | ' menime font v listboxu |
151 | Dim hWnd As Long |
152 | hWnd = GetDlgItem(SuppValue,DlgControlId("ListBox")) |
153 | SendMessageA hWnd,WM_SETFONT,hFont,1 |
154 | |||
155 | Case 2 'stisknuto nejake tlacitko, nebo neco vybrano v boxech |
156 | If DlgItem$="ListBox" Then ' vybrali jsme radku v boxu ListBox |
157 | If SelNet Then |
158 | ' deselectuj vsechny objekty |
159 | ActiveDocument.SelectObjects(ppcbObjectTypeAll,"",False) |
160 | 'selectuj vybrany net |
161 | ActiveDocument.SelectObjects(ppcbObjectTypeNet,SepareNameNet$(ListNetsName$(SuppValue%)),True) |
162 | End If |
163 | End If |
164 | |||
165 | ' vybirame, zda se budou draty vybirat, ci nikoli |
166 | If DlgItem$="Check" Then |
167 | If SuppValue%=1 Then SelNet=True |
168 | If SuppValue%=0 Then SelNet=False |
169 | End If |
170 | |||
171 | |||
172 | ' export do excelu |
173 | If DlgItem$="PushButton1" Then pom=InfoToExcel |
174 | If DlgItem$="Cancel" Then End |
175 | |||
176 | ' refresh udaju v listboxu |
177 | If DlgItem$="Refresh" Then |
178 | CallBackFunc%=True |
179 | FillArray |
180 | InfosToStringArray |
181 | DlgListBoxArray "ListBox",ListNets() |
182 | End If |
183 | |||
184 | Case 4 |
185 | Debug.Print"focus" |
186 | |||
187 | End Select |
188 | End Function |
189 | |||
190 | Function InfoToExcel |
191 | Dim FileName As Variant |
192 | Dim i As Integer |
193 | ' Open temporarly text file |
194 | Randomize |
195 | filename = DefaultFilePath & "\tmp" & CInt(Rnd()*10000) & ".txt" |
196 | Open filename For Output As #1 |
197 | |||
198 | ' Output Headers |
199 | Print #1, "NetName"; Space(50); |
200 | Print #1, "NetLength"; Space(50); |
201 | Print #1, "Vias"; Space(0) |
202 | |||
203 | |||
204 | ' Lock server to speed up process |
205 | LockServer |
206 | |||
207 | ' Go through each component in the design and output values |
208 | For i=0 To ActiveDocument.Nets.Count |
209 | Print #1, ActiveDocument.Nets.Name; Space$(50-Len(ActiveDocument.Nets.Name)); |
210 | Print #1, Str(Int(ActiveDocument.Nets.Length(True))); Space$(50-Len((Str(Int(ActiveDocument.Nets.Length))))); |
211 | Print #1, ActiveDocument.Nets.Vias.Count; Space$(50-Len(ActiveDocument.Nets.Vias.Count)) |
212 | Next i |
213 | |||
214 | ' Unlock the server |
215 | UnlockServer |
216 | |||
217 | ' Close the text file |
218 | Close #1 |
219 | |||
220 | ' Start Excel and loads the text file |
221 | On Error GoTo noExcel |
222 | Dim excelApp As Object |
223 | Set excelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") |
224 | On Error GoTo 0 |
225 | excelApp.Visible = True |
226 | excelApp.Workbooks.OpenText FileName:= filename |
227 | excelApp.Rows("1:1").Select |
228 | With excelApp.Selection |
229 | .Font.Bold = True |
230 | .Font.Italic = True |
231 | End With |
232 | excelApp.Range("A1").Select |
233 | Set excelApp = Nothing |
234 | End |
235 | |||
236 | noExcel: |
237 | ' Display the text file |
238 | Shell "Notepad " & filename, 3 |
239 | |||
240 | |||
241 | End Function |
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