// // This is a project description file. // [InfoShortDescription.en] 1 RELAY OR 2NMOSFET [InfoShortDescription.cs] 1 relĂ© nebo 2NMOSFET [InfoLongDescription.en] Universal module for relays. The module is equipped with two NMOSFETy that are designed for relay processor. Wiring module allows you to use two transistors alone without the relay as a switch to GND. [InfoLongDescription.cs] UniverzálnĂ modul pro relĂ©. Modul je vybaven dvÄ›ma NMOSFETy, kterĂ© jsou urÄŤenĂ© pro spĂnánĂ relĂ© procesorem. ZapojenĂ modulu umoĹľĹuje vyuĹľĂt dva tranzistory samostatnÄ› bez relĂ©, jako spĂnaÄŤe na GND. [InfoBuyUST] http://www.ust.cz/shop/product_info.php?cPath=22_54&products_id=233&osCsid=nd8783lqmlq7t98fbhdjvv8vv2 [End]